New features in latest update of WordStat February 22, 2019 - News & events
Make sure you download the latest version of QDA Miner and WordStat because we are always fixing small issues and adding new features. For example, this month we released WordStat 8.0.13. The updated version performs topic modeling 8 times faster using factor analysis and there is a new hi-res Scree Plot and redesigned factor loading table. A new Document Conversion Wizard capability, topic modeling option in Document Explorer of WordStat 8 and a Silhouette plot to validate cluster analysis. All this and we have barely completed February. Stay tuned to our website, our Newsletter, and our social media feeds for more announcements in 2019. You won’t be disappointed! See descriptions and screenshots of three new features below!
New Document Conversion Wizard feature
The lastest update of QDA Miner and WordStat includes a new feature in the Document Conversion Wizard that allows you to more easily extract output from structured documents such as Factiva and Lexus Nexus. The extraction rule editor has been modified to let you select the line and the character position of the text you wish to import for analysis. Download the latest version here.
Topic modeling now available with Document Explorer in WordStat 8
In WordStat 8 we introduced the Document Explorer tool allowing you to explore the content of your documents from Windows Explorer without the need to run WordStat and create a project. Now we have gone one step better. We added topic modeling to word and phrase extraction. With a simple-right click you can perform these tasks as well as perform a semantic search, using a categorization dictionary or apply machine learning to classify documents.
New silhouette plot for validation & interpretation of cluster analysis results
A new feature in our clustering dendrogram, a silhouette plot, helps you to validate and interpret cluster analysis results. The silhouette plot shows which words or phrases may be misclassified or lie in between clusters. It also enables you to identify clear cut clusters from weaker ones.
To download the latest updates, visit our Updates web page.