A powerful multivariate analysis program

A powerful multivariate analysis program
MVSP is an inexpensive yet powerful multivariate analysis program for PC compatibles that performs a variety of ordination and cluster analyses. It provides an easy means of analyzing your data in fields ranging from ecology and geology to sociology and market research. MVSP is in use at hundreds of sites in over 50 countries. The results of analyses using MVSP have been published in numerous journals, including Science, Nature, Ecology, Journal of Petroleum Geology, and Journal of Biogeography.
Once your data have been analyzed you can plot results directly. Select the ordination axes you want to see and scattergrams will be drawn. Dendrograms of cluster analysis results are produced automatically. These graphs can then be printed on a variety of output devices.
- Data matrix manipulation: data may be transposed, transformed (transformations available include logarithms to base 10, e, and 2, square root, and Aitchison’s logratio for percentage data), converted to percentages, proportions, standard scores, octave class scale, or range through format for stratigraphic studies, and rows and columns may be selected for deletion
- Data import and export; Lotus 1-2-3 and Symphony and Cornell Ecology Programs
- Principal Coordinates Analysis, performed with the following options: use any type of input similarity matrix, user defined minimum eigenvalues and accuracy level
- Principal Components Analysis, with the following options: correlation or covariance matrix, centered or uncentered analysis, user defined minimum eigenvalues, including Kaiser’s and Jolliffe’s rules for average eigenvalues, user defined accuracy level.
- Correspondence Analysis, with these options: Hill’s detrending by segments, choice of eigenanalysis or reciprocal averaging algorithm, weighting of rare or common taxa and scaling to percentages, user defined minimum eigenvalues and accuracy level.
- Nineteen different similarity and distance measures, including Euclidean, squared Euclidean, standardized Euclidean, cosine theta (or normalized Euclidean), Manhattan metric, Canberra metric, chord, chi-square, average, and mean character difference distances; Pearson product moment correlation and Spearman rank order correlation coefficients; percent similarity and Gower’s general similarity coefficient; Sorensen’s, Jaccard’s, simple matching, Yule’s and Nei’s binary coefficients.
- Cluster analysis, with the following options: seven strategies (UPGMA, WPGMA, median, centroid, nearest and farthest neighbor, and minimum variance), constrained clustering in which the input order is maintained (e.g. stratigraphic studies), randomized input order, integral dendrogram production. Separate utility program allows data matrices to be sorted in the order of the dendrograms; allows patterns to be seen in the data.
- Diversity indices, with the following options: Simpson’s, Shannon’s, or Brillouin’s indices, choice of log base, evenness and number of species can also be calculated.