Provalis research trainer

QDA Miner
Mixed-methods analysis and text-mining
Data analysis: content analysis, frame analysis, thematic and narrative analysis approaches
Focus Group and Interview Analysis
The research you need done
CEO and Founder of AJ RESEARCH (, Dr. Abby Jones has spent the last 20+ years working in politics, strategic communication, health communication and academia. If there is one thing ALL of these experiences has taught her it is that the foundation of all communication and research work is well produced, VALID DATA! She has seen that without this, organizations and individual are just making their best guesses and often wasting resources.
Abby began her career working for political candidates such as Virginia’s Mark Warner and issue-oriented non-profits, including the League of Conservation Voters. She also had the incredible opportunity to work for Campbell and Company, a top-notch health care communication firm that focuses on creating data driven targeted messages, which strive to change the health-related behaviors of members of the Black Community.
After working in the communications and political arenas for a little over ten years, Abby decided to take her professional experiences into the classroom. While in the classroom, Abby has taught hundreds of students the critical lesson that message and program development means very little if it is not backed up by facts and data. She is now so proud to have many former students who work at the highest levels of government, media and non-profits.
Abby earned her self-designed, joint PhD at The George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs and Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration. Her Masters is from Georgetown’s Public Policy School and her B.A. is in Political Communication from The George Washington University. The combinations of these programs gave her the ability to see where the ability to craft impactful data-driven messages allows for policy creation success.
Abby has taught at Temple University, Rutgers University, Philadelphia University, the University of Mary Washington, Montgomery College (MD) and The George Washington University. She has also presented her own research at several national and international conferences, including that of the International Communication Association, the International Studies Association and the American Political Science Association.