Text Mining to Understand more about Wine June 5, 2017 - Blogs on Text Analytics

Just a hint of wild current with a smooth, buttery finish. Whiffs of vanilla gently melded with soft, chewy tannins. Tastes good and it has a nice dark color. It goes well with fish… There are many, many ways to describe wine. The words change depending on your knowledge, expertise and where you come from. The French use different terms than Australians. Experts or people that work in the business have their own vocabulary and jargon that may not be well understood by the average consumer. And even though wine has been with us forever and has been studied and analyzed by countless experts and academics there is still more we can learn about wine and how we associate with it.
To that end, a group of researchers at the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine at the University of Adelaide in Australia recently chose to explore mouth feel and the role of wine body on consumers ‘ wine liking and emotions and how consumers understand the term wine body. They had the standard research materials; wine, black glasses so participants would not be influenced by color, different ingredients so participants could sample different versions of the wine, a rigorous methodology and a text mining tool: WordStat. They used the software to analyze the open-ended questions in the research study. The study arrived at several conclusions and you can access the abstract here http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0963996917302168. One of the conclusions was the need for more study. We will raise a glass to that!
If you are interested in reading more studies, in oenology and many other fields, conducted with the help of QDA Miner and WordStat you can find a selection on our website at https://provalisresearch.com/Documents/SomeStudies.pdf