Update to Windows 11 and Provalis Research software December 3, 2021 - Blogs on Text Analytics

Microsoft is currently rolling out its latest version of Windows, Windows 11. This is the successor to Windows 10. As with any new software rollout there will be some bumps along the way. Windows 10, while not bug free, has been with us for 5 years.
If you are using a PC and updating to Windows 11 this may impact the Machine ID recognized by WordStat or QDA Miner and will trigger a re-activation of the User’s application the first time you run Provalis software after the update to Windows 11.
The remedy is simple and straightforward. You must re-submit your License Activation Code, current license code password and a new and never used password (for single-user licences with roll-over reactivation).
To access your License Activation Code please retrieve the initial email we sent to you when you purchased the software. If you do not remember your password, upon re-activation, you will see a button that will allow you to receive your initial password by email.
If you cannot find the initial email with your activation code, contact us at However, we would appreciate if you did this only after completing a thorough search for the initial email.