Content Analysis of Learning Logs of Marketing Managers
Authors: Friesner, Tim & Hart, Mike (Business Management Group, University of Winchester).
Description: This research project used learning logs as a research instrument to gather data on the reflection, experience and learning of a sample of marketing managers from British theatres. This paper introduces Learning Log Analysis as an analytical approach to help researchers to interpret findings. For this research project Learning Log Analysis employs content analysis, case study analysis and narrative and storytelling analysis. This paper aims merely to introduce the approach. It in no way attempts to be a conclusive formula, and encourages further research and dialogue.
Full reference: Friesner, Tim and Hart, Mike (2005) ‘Learning Log Analysis: Analysing data that Record Reflection, Experience and Learning’ Paper delivered at 4th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies [ECRM2005] Université Paris-Dauphine, 21-22nd April, 2005