• Analyze quickly a large amount of unstructured data such as customer feedback, emails, open-ended responses, interview transcripts, incident reports, patents, legal documents, blogs or websites.
  • Build a content analysis dictionary in order to automatically categorize text data and quickly retrieve text segments related to a specific category (for example, retrieve positive and negative comments). You can apply statistical analysis on categories or explore the relationship between categories and other variables associated with the documents (ex. authors, location, time, etc.) in order to identify trends. To save you time, you can reapply in few seconds the same dictionary for a similar project, customize or use an existing dictionary.
  • Provide statistical and visualization tools that are easy to interpret such as word frequencies, clustering, correspondence analysis or heatmap. WordStat can also compute statistical tests to verify the strength of the analysis. All those features allow you to quickly identify themes, trends and patterns without the need to read the documents and to explore the relationship between the content of documents and other categorical or numerical variables such as gender, age, education level, etc.
  • Transform text into statistical tables and graphics and at anytime, you can drill down to the source documents in order to see what is behind the numbers.
  • Provide a total control over the content analysis process and enough closeness to the data to achieve the perfect balance between text analysis efficiency and precision in the results.
  • Easily create outstanding presentations and write a professional report that includes statistical tables and graphics provided by WordStat such as bar charts, pie charts, bubble charts, dendrogram, concept maps, correspondence analysis and more. Export results to Tableau Software to use its advanced data visualization tools.
  • Analyse text data in almost any languages, because the software relies on language independent techniques.
  • No need to identify and fix manually spelling mistakes, WordStat can automatically correct them in your documents, saving you time. In order to standardized the writing of similar words and phrases and therefore, obtaining more accurate statistical results, WordStat allows you to substitute any specific word or phrase with another one of your own choice.